I decided to get the brayer out today, its been ages since I used it. So here is the start of the project: piece of Clarity card A5, brayer, TH ink pad, cotton wool, mask, and versamark (out of shot!). I dunked bits of the cotton wool onto the versamark pad, then arranged them on the card, decided where the sun was going to go. Then put a piece of paper on top and pressed everything down a few times, and ran the brayer across it. Next task was to remove the cotton wool and start brayering.
Amd a few minutes later I had a picture, blue sky with a few clouds, nice yellow sun, and also used the Indigo Blu stamps, Dandelion clock set. Added more blue to the picture as wanted a few darker bits between the clouds, so just used a make up sponge and lots of dabbing.
If you use Clarity card it is best to wait for stuff to dry, it does take a bit longer than ordinary card. I've also found that the cloud technique works best on the Clarity card, as after you've brayered you need to then polish the car with a tissue to take off the excess ink to reveal the clouds. This really doesn't work on ordinary card. Oh I also used a mask to add the yellow to the sun, the leftover bit from were I'd cut my circle (used my Slice to do the cutting).
So I blotted the picture a few times, then moved on to next bit.
Adding the dandelion clocks, since I wanted to use the Burlap ink pad on the heads of the clocks, I covered the stems with some masking tape. I tested out my theory on a bit of scrap paper and practiced adding the stalks using pro markers. The burlap looked really good, had to test out a few greens to make sure it matched the stamped bit. Once I'd inked up the heads I removed the masking tape before stamping... and then began to add the stalks, found that using the fine nibs worked best, it allowed for more control.
More blotting! By this time the women's road race was heating up, they were almost at the end so I took a tea break to watch and was chuffed when the British girl came second, just pipped for first place!
And so I had a picture! I added a 3rd clock, and some of the flyaway bits, think they are called parachutes? The sentiment and the birds, tho think the birds should be further up!
Very happy that my brayering technique is still intact, and that at last I've got the hang of the flicking bit. I did have to trim a bit off the card as the bottom stamp isn't quite A5, but no matter, still happy with it.
Now my tummy is rumbling, it is watching all this sport, it does make you hungry! Think it is time to see what is in the fridge, and make a much needed cuppa.
Thanks for stopping by.
Amd a few minutes later I had a picture, blue sky with a few clouds, nice yellow sun, and also used the Indigo Blu stamps, Dandelion clock set. Added more blue to the picture as wanted a few darker bits between the clouds, so just used a make up sponge and lots of dabbing.
If you use Clarity card it is best to wait for stuff to dry, it does take a bit longer than ordinary card. I've also found that the cloud technique works best on the Clarity card, as after you've brayered you need to then polish the car with a tissue to take off the excess ink to reveal the clouds. This really doesn't work on ordinary card. Oh I also used a mask to add the yellow to the sun, the leftover bit from were I'd cut my circle (used my Slice to do the cutting).
So I blotted the picture a few times, then moved on to next bit.
Adding the dandelion clocks, since I wanted to use the Burlap ink pad on the heads of the clocks, I covered the stems with some masking tape. I tested out my theory on a bit of scrap paper and practiced adding the stalks using pro markers. The burlap looked really good, had to test out a few greens to make sure it matched the stamped bit. Once I'd inked up the heads I removed the masking tape before stamping... and then began to add the stalks, found that using the fine nibs worked best, it allowed for more control.
More blotting! By this time the women's road race was heating up, they were almost at the end so I took a tea break to watch and was chuffed when the British girl came second, just pipped for first place!
And so I had a picture! I added a 3rd clock, and some of the flyaway bits, think they are called parachutes? The sentiment and the birds, tho think the birds should be further up!
Very happy that my brayering technique is still intact, and that at last I've got the hang of the flicking bit. I did have to trim a bit off the card as the bottom stamp isn't quite A5, but no matter, still happy with it.
Now my tummy is rumbling, it is watching all this sport, it does make you hungry! Think it is time to see what is in the fridge, and make a much needed cuppa.
Thanks for stopping by.
Wow,wow!! That seriously is very good. I had a go with my sister's brayer and quite honestly it was a disaster and I hated it. I'm sure you have to keep trying but you must be very pleased with your skill levels here. I so love those stamps too they're gorgeous. You should really enter this in a challenge - not just to win but to get people through your blog seeing your work and giving you support. I think you're hiding your talents quite frankly and I wouldn't say it if I didn't believe it. (I'm not being condescending either - I know I can sound that way but I just think you're really good at this craft lark!!).
Have a good week - better than the last.
Love the finished work and like your explanation of how you did the dandelions. Elizabeth
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