Nine days after operation to replace knee... wondering if I did the right thing. Still hobbling around, pain is up to 10+, feel rubbish, only good thing is that I've lost my appetite so clothes are starting to feel loose.
Stay in hospital wasn't too bad, there was a good crowd in the ward, we were all on the same wave length humour wise and determined to keep each other cheered up. Staff were fantastic, nothing seemed to be too much trouble for them, cannot fault the care we all received. Food left something to be desired, it was edible but not very appetizing. There is also an inherent fault, on your first day in hospital you get whatever the previous occupant of your bed ordered! Which meant last Monday I got chicken and chips, no veg, no gravy... it was also a leg of chicken, not what I'd serve to patients, not with all those fiddly bones, and looked just awful. Think they need to employ someone with ideas for nutritious but appetizing food. Physio's were very gentle, we'd all got the pep talk before our op, being told what to expect, which is exactly what we didn't get! Perhaps some coordination needs to happen? It was also daft that the phyios came to our ward, saw one patient then disappeared off to another ward, and so that went on all morning, surely it made more sense to work thru each ward? They also seemed to be wasting a lot of time stuck in their office, we were all given an exercise guide, but no actual guidance on how to do the exercises, no-one checked to see if we were doing them properly. The physio consisted of: being helped to use a zimmer for first day out of bed, next day a very short lesson on how to use crutches, then practice up the stairs, just once, and that was it! Diabolical, no real therapy at all, while the nursing staff were the ones who were run off their feet. Seems to me that the physio lot had it very easy.
Should have staples removed tomorrow, that will be a relief, think wound has also stopped bleeding. It bled rather alarmingly for first few days, registrar told me that there was no possibility of heavy bleeding! Oh yeah, must have been why I ended up with about 3 large dressings round my leg, leaving me barely able to move it. All were soaked thru when they changed it, the nurse said he would tell the registrar!
Well time for exercises...
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