Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New Year

Let's us all hope that 2011 is far better than predicted!  

I find this to be a strange time of year,  the end of one and the beginning of another, but what really changes, other than the date?   Just like Christmas it is the anticipation,   that thing that you cannot see or touch, but you keep being told is there...  And then midnight arrives and....  nothing has really changed.   But it is up to us what will change,   we can decide and we can effect change,  don't ever stop believing that.   Whenever I see an MP I just think: I am your employer, you are working for me.  We just need to remind them of that, as often as possible. 

All I want for 2011 is less bad news, both personally and globally.  There has to be some bad stuff, that I expect, just not so much of it. 

So where ever you are, realise that it is up to you what sort of 2011 you have,  make sure that you manage to smile each day,  and make others smile.   

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