Three cheers for me, managed to successfully produce a stamp using my new kit. It was pretty straightforward, or would have been had my printer played along, but it decided it didn't want to print! Or at least it seemed unhappy with the imagepac software, once I'd loaded the jpegs into word and used that to print everything was fine. Then I found the stamps needed quite a few inkings before they'd stamp properly, tho I couldn't find my versa mark stamp, only the stayzon. Just need to get a proper timer, not sure why but it tells you not to use the inbuilt timer on the machine - odd.
So next task is to make this pic into a stamp! And got loads of sentiments I want to turn into stamps. Nope, it won't be going back, it will prove mighty useful. I do also like how it all packs neatly away into its box, very handy.
We've even had two days of decent weather! Can't call it wall to wall sunshine, but it has been dry and the sun has appeared from time to time. It is of course nothing to what is happening in Pakistan, the aid workers are facing an impossible task with all the roads and bridges damaged, but then you wonder how the journalists always get thru?
Now off to enjoy a lovely glass of rose wine.
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