Saturday, 10 July 2010

Gonna be hot hot hot...

Really muggy here,  I'm melting!   I hate this oppressive heat, so uncomfortable.   Wouldn't mind a spectacular thunderstorm. 

Had a quiet day, aside from the heat making me feel uncomfortable, it also brings on the arthritis, so a double whammy.   Mum needed some new reading material, so popped up to library,   just grabbed a few books, did have a natter to one member of staff, felt sorry for her after seeing who she'd been lumbered with.    So came home,  cooled down,  and had lunch, then did a spot of crafting, well colouring in and shrinking stuff.   Got out the flower fairies shrinkle kit,  I'd had a go the other day and to my alarm had had my first failure with the shrinkles, when my flower fairy refused to uncurl...    But made three today and they all turned out well.    Tried a compare and contrast, using pro markers on one  and the proper shrinkles pencils on another,  no difference,  tho the pro markers were a little more subtle.  

Was also getting annoyed with mum, was hoping she would pop up to see some of her friends,  but as usual she made a song and dance out of venturing out.   She was crashing about with that ruddy trolley,  probably just as well that our neighbour downstairs is partly deaf,   then I thought at one point she wasn't going to go out at all...    but finally she did.  I timed her, it had taken her nearly 50 minutes to work up to going out...  checking and rechecking her bag, then distracting herself with other things.    I'd had a busy week, and just wanted an afternoon to myself in the flat,  just to watch a spot of golf and do some crafting.  Will be getting on with swap card tomorrow, have idea, have all elements, time to put it all together.  

Got very useful comments on proposed set of inspirational cards,  a more muted background,  was the consensus, and to check the spelling!  Oops.   So a tad more faffing in PSP,   just too clammy to sit long at PC to do stuff. 

Am also somewhat baffled as to why the police are wasting so much money on forensics for that Moat chap, who topped himself,  he'd dead,  that is what he wanted,   so why are we spending out so much money on further investigations?   Can we have some balance please,  use the money to do other police work,  not waste it on futile investigations. 

Now need to go hit the shower to cool off.  

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