Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Excuse me but how did we get to Tuesday?

I'd not quite finished with Monday.   Oh how the days creep up and then sneak past us.    Weather was nice,  blue sky, sun and yep, cold, but the sun made all the difference.  Had to laugh at the various weather forecasts, all of which were telling me that there was fog outside my door... oh no there wasn't.   

Well it was off to do the supermarket shop,  armed with list.  Very important that list,   and at last I found where they'd been hiding the kidney beans!   Had a man creep up on me, but it was only one of my neighbours,  he and his wife are angels,  they offer to do all sorts for me.  And every week they put out the recycling and bin for me.   For once  I managed to get everything on the list!  Hooray.   Now just had to get stuff home and into flat.. which is a bit of a Heath-Robinson affair,  I use mum's walker to bring bags from car to flat, and from there I use her stair lift to get them upstairs.   All a bit of a faff.   But it works.  Mum was in moan mode cos District Nurse hadn't come,  so she said she'd be going out anyway... yeah right.  This was only 11.30,  and she had no where important to be...  she just meets up with friends, who would fully understand if she was a little bit late for lunch.   Then I realised that if nurse didn't turn up I wouldn't have my afternoon off...  asked Angels to intervene and drum up nurse toot sweet,  two minutes later... nurse arrives.  Phew.

Carried on with knee rehab exercises...  felt a clunking feeling/sound in knee, it certainly didn't feel right.   Then got on with card making, and incurred an injury!  A paper cut!  Ouch, boy do they hurt!    But was more concerned about getting blood on new creation.   Was using some die cut freebies from some magazine,  see pic,  worked well with some Xmas papers and peel off borders.   Not bought much in the way of  Xmas stuff this year, aside from the ornaments,  been using up old stash, and looking out for freebies on magazines. 

Forecast for tomorrow is rain... oh joy.   So lots of card making.  Also planning a roast for dinner.   Well this caring lark has certainly expanded my cooking skills, tho I did know how to cook a roast dinner.  Last week made a lovely cauliflower cheese,  but did forget the leeks,  they make all the difference.  Now just have to persuade mum to like mash with gravy...  ! 


Cazzy said...

Thank goodness for angels! Cass it would be easier for you to find me, there are a lot of possibles for you and no clues!
Try looking for Carol Vile.

Cazzy x

Cazzy said...

My question is more where has Tuesday gone? Gave myself the day off on the basis that there was nobody of a higher rank to ask and the road closure was causing chaos yesterday, but I can hardly walk today with the pain in my heel, which is actually under my ankle bone by my heel. I have so much more to do and it is nearly bedtime!
Cazzy x
