Tuesday, 22 February 2011

How did we get to Tuesday?

Time seems to be flashing by,  no sooner does a new Monday arrive than suddenly it is Friday.  Oh well.  Uppity and down week/weekend.  Got lovely letter from tax man (NOT) telling me that because of their cock up I appear to owe them more money.  That was nearly 5 years ago, the due date was up ages ago.   This is called using intimidation tactics,  sadly for them I am now too bolshie to fall for it. 

I did succumb to the TSV on QVC today,  not cos I want to do grunge stuff, it never has tickled my taste buds, but cos just liked that you could mess with the stuff.  I like Holtz's off the wall stuff,  but not his grunge.  Not a bit of crafting really for a few days,  half made a card,  used some pinflair glue which takes an age to dry.   Must do some stuff tomorrow.  

Been spending my time drumming, getting in plenty of practice and I'm learning the value of  practice rhythms,  been doing them since I got my drumming DVD,  made such a difference as I realised what I was doing wrong.   So want to have a pattern practice every day.  Couldn't get the rhythm we learned last night,  if I just stopped thinking all was fine, but the moment my brain woke up - out went the rhythm.   But got a beginners workshop this Sunday, so that should help things. It does mean I'll have to miss the workshop on Monday, as I can't afford both. 

Right, best get back to replying to e-mails

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