Yes I am once again a happy crafter, decided to get stuck into the LGC challenge, tho it felt weird working on A4 card, I'm used to 12x12 size. Think the page opposite will end up on a 12x12 page, with a few more bits to it. But it was a challenge just to use what was in the magazine, I loved the sunshine frame and was determined to use it, luckily I had a photo of my nephew, who decided that swimming fully clothed was a cool idea. It was a hot day, so who knows why he preferred the full clothed look. Made use of the blue and yellow card, plus some patterned card, cut the yellow card with my compass cutter, just to get some curvy lines, nowt was wasted, used the first cut on the left hand edge of page, then the right hand one, the middle bit that got chopped, was put against patterned paper. Used the stars, but stuck them to the yellow card and then cut round them, then used some of the tiny gems on the pointy bits of the frame, and first curvy line, had to add some peel off letters to finish it all off.
Had a semi relaxing weekend, yesterday I had a mini lie in, till 9.30! Actually if I lay in for any longer I then can't sleep the following night, but I must have needed the extra time in bed. Mum grumbled a bit cos I took so long to wake up, she was waiting for her breakfast. Mmmm, think she could have managed to pour herself some cereal... so last night i cut her two pieces of bread, so she could make toast, then I could have a second lie in. Told her that I was not cooking this weekend, so it was salad yesterday, and today it was our 'get it yourself' day, only it is me who is now doing the getting. I expected her to ask for a sandwich but nope, instead the request is for an omlette! I'm not resenting mum, just resenting my unhelpful family, so much for my nephew promising to call by to see if there was anything mum needed, not seen sight nor sound of him, nor anything of my Sil's sister, who also promised to pop round... Did lose rag with mum, she's been bone idle, not doing any exercises, yet wanting to be able to get down the stairs... go figure! Then she has the bright idea of getting a stair lift fitted, so I says and what happens when you get downstairs? She couldn't get any further, as she cannot manage to walk very far. She's just been plonking herself in the chair, not bothering to familiarise herself with stuff like the remote, phones etc. So today I flipped, told her to stop being so lazy, and start doing her excercises, and to learn how to do all the stuff she could before. I sorted out her knitting, so she got stuck into that, and took the hint on the exercises, and finding out how to use the remote again. I also chucked a newspaper at her and said to start doing the crossword again, something she always did. Well she has a choice, to sit there and vegetate, or get on with her life.
Haven't yet dared to tell her that my back is really sore at the moment, I'm getting the usual cramps and yesterday it was agony to walk.
Was also mightily disappointed in WH Smiths, our new one, they had moved from Church st to the Liverpool One project, previous premises were huge, so I expected they'd move on to bigger and better things. Wrong! It was rubbish, a much, much, smaller shop, hardly room to move, no craft stuff at all, hardly any art stuff.... books were to a minimum... it was pathetic. Just wondered why the heck they moved. Also ended up disappointed at Papermill... went in with high hopes, two minutes into shop... my mood had darkened, there was just nothing. So we now have no decent craft shops. Guess I'lll be shopping online from now on.
So that was the weekend... oh did get a couple of bargains from M&S in the sale, but cheeky sales assistant said that the sale stuff was non returnable... er... she is wrong. I can return it if it is faulty or not fit for purpose, wish sales assistants would learn the law properly.
Well Monday again tomorrow... ugh... work.... double ugh....