Sunday 25 December 2011

And that was Christmas..

Not sure what happened but I managed to have a lie in till nearly 10 a.m on the big day.,  I had been awake at 5.30 a.m., but had eventually managed to get back to sleep.  Sleeping in so long on a Christmas morning is a luxury,  first time in er, well far too many years, that I've been able to do that.  Until fairly recently I had to go visiting the family on Christmas morning and could only really relax in the afternoon.

Santa was good to me,  loads of craft vouchers!   A book to read,  Patricia Cornwell's latest book,  she is one of my favourite authors,  some lovely perfume,  other bits and bobs, plus a Simon's Cat calendar which will keep me amused all year.   

I did watch Barbara Grey at 7 a.m., I always enjoy Barbara's shows, but that is when I fell back to sleep, sorry Barbara!   I did catch the full show at 4pm,   a pity they hadn't given her a 2 hour slot!  No crafting today,   no chance of that happening.   Dinner took longer than expected to cook,  cos the turkey crown I had bought had stuffing in it, it took longer to cook, that almost threw out all my timings.   But we were sat down by 2pm for the meal,  and very nice it was,  did less of everything,  so we enjoyed it more,  and it left room for the pud.   I hate that overfull feeling,  it is just so uncomfortable.   Instead I felt pleasantly full.   TV was rubbish in the afternoon, I'd enjoyed the morning stuff,  the church service,  carols... then the usual film fest!   All aimed at children, that is fine for one or two channels, but does every ruddy channel think that only kids are watching?     The kids are playing with their toys!   I would love to meet the idiot who puts the schedule together.

Today I decided to pay Hobbycraft a visit,  couldn't let those vouchers just sit there any longer.  Took mum, said we'd get some lunch at a pub.   To my surprise I didn't spend all the vouchers, in fact I was a bit frugal,  got some alcohol inks,  spotted a nice 12x12 pad,  a tub of crackle paint,  TH tissue tape and a set of stamps,  and that was that.   So got some vouchers left, plus vouchers for my local craft shop,  which is where I am headed tomorrow.   The one thing that HC didn't have were the metallic alcohol inks!   Just fancied some copper,  plus more silver and gold. 

Just put up a pic of one of the boxes I made using the inks,  that was the cranberry and gold,  then I added some dragon flies, I had also inked the acetate. 

I should be crafting tomorrow so may have some new pics! 

Hope you all had a lovey Christmas.... take care, and thanks for stopping by

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