Thursday 3 December 2009

Oh... darn it!

I am not a morning person,   mornings are something to be endured... I sort of wake up around noon, until then I function on autopilot.   And then, after months of not having to get up for anything...  suddenly I have to get up really early to take mum for her appointment at hospital. 

Luckily I did have a good nights sleep,   and my alarm woke me up in its usual gentle fashion,  it starts off beeping very quietly and then gets louder.   So up and at 'em,  well up....    get breakfast,  stare at TV,  listen to howling gale outside,  it is freezing and chucking it down.    Parking at hospital is horrendous, so we have to get there early,  and take into account rush hour traffic.  So we are in car just after 8 a.m.,   and believing that one set of traffic lights is out...  it wasn't!   Phew,  got to hospital in good time,   even got parking space... last one in disabled section.    Into department,  and... give in details: we are 24 hours early.   Feel some murderous tendencies,  but what is the point...  ?   Mum is profuse in her apology,  so off we go to retail park, being the first to arrive, well almost,   and she is guilty enough to buy me a jumper...   mind you she did also get 25 handmade cards from me,  so think it was a fair exchange.    So I get to do it all over again tomorrow...   joy....   NOT!

Of course knee was not happy to be disturbed into action so early,  think it was also still complaining about yesterday's walk,  either way it was very sore.    In all the rush to get to hospital forget to take anything out of freezer for dinner,  so we had an M&S ready meal,  which was delicious. 

Pic:  is of second card for nephew, second lot of my cheap toppers, cheap only in price, quality is excellent.  May go back and grab some for next year.   I used some glittery blue card, plus silver mirri card, and then just arranged all the toppers.   Did find some felt snowflakes from a kit from last years stash.   I do notice how the Christmas stash tends to grow year on year...  seem to forget to look what I've got, so go out and get tempted to buy new stuff.   Still using peel offs from a couple of years ago. 

Well must hit shower,  ease some aching bones...   and hope for better weather tomorrow - please!   Anything but rain!!!!!!

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